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Peter Powel stunt kite

Peter Powel stunt kite


Peter Powel stunt kite.

If you were a 70’s kid you may remember the Peter Powel stunt kite.

It was the 1st steerable kite available, and hours of fun could be had – this was the computer game of the 70’s

Skipping forward 35 yr the company was revived by Peter’s 2 sons, the kites have been re-designed to be stronger, using a ripstop nylon sail and glass fibre poles and a long 20m tail.

They are not like the cheap Chinese ones, these will stand many a good crash from the kids  or grand kids. Its the ideal thing to keep in the caravan to give the kids (or yourself) some fun whilst parked up.

You can fly them as a single or stack multiple one together.

Colours available
The kites i have are a solid colour like the blue one in pic
I have colours, 2x Blue, 2x Red, 1x Orange and 3x yellow.